Mutual Gifts

Why a blog about our relationship with dogs? Why concentrate on canine causes when there are so many human issues that need our attention?

The answer is a personal one. Each of us would have our own answers, and perhaps yours would be like mine, or perhaps it would be very different. I've always had a fascination with dogs. I was the nerdy, little kid who would curl up with the encyclopedias for hours, reading about all the different breeds and where they came from and why they were developed. I'd pick my favorites even though I'd never seen actual examples of those breeds in my life. As I grew older, the fascination remained, but there were other things to focus on: college, career, family, etc. As each year passed, life seemed to move faster and faster.

As a result of a lot of self-examination, I kept coming back to wanting to combine photography and perhaps writing in an effort to address canine causes. Why dogs and not people? Well, if you know dogs, you know what a gift they are to us. They make us better people. They teach us empathy and patience and a myriad of other lessons. They assist us with physical tasks, and they provide emotional support with their unconditional love and acceptance. Nothing else can really take their place. And one could argue that dogs make out pretty well in the arrangement as well. They have their needs met and many are pampered and live out a version of canine luxury. It's a win-win situation for both parties.

So, in celebrating our lives with dogs, we're really celebrating life itself. People and dogs both benefit. What helps one, helps the other. I truly believe that dogs are one of God's greatest gifts to us, and we are a gift to them. In that way, He has made all of our lives more complete.

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