Breed Bio: That Sammy Smile

The Samoyed is thought to be one of the older breeds, originating with the Samoyedic people of northern Siberia. Not to be confused with any of the Eskimo breeds, the Samoyed is set apart as a separate entity. While in the United States we often call this dog by the name sam-MOY-yed, the proper pronunciation is sam-a-YED, after the Samoyedic tribes that have kept them for centuries. Originally bred to herd reindeer, hunt, fish, and act as companions, the Samoyed was taken in by their people as members of the family. To this day, they exhibit that overall love and affinity for humans and are happiest when they are right in the middle of family life.

One of the most beautiful aspects of the breed is the double coat which stands off the body, giving it a very plush appearance. The coat is generally white or cream and the hair has a silver tipping that makes it glisten, which adds to its beauty. The dark eyes and black lips against the stark white coat accentuate what has become known as the "Sammy Smile," which is evidence of his bright and friendly demeanor.

But don't let the beauty of the Samoyed fool you. Used extensively on polar expeditions, they have proven themselves to be hardy, working dogs with uncanny loyalty and perseverance. They are both intelligent and sensitive to the needs of their owners, and they enjoy having work to do. You could say this is one breed with brains AND beauty.

I captured the image of this Sammy at a dog show I attended a few years ago. I have always been attracted to this breed, and I found myself talking to his handler about what a magnificent dog she had. In the midst of our conversation, I began to scratch him behind the ears, sinking my hand into his soft fur. Realizing they were about to enter the ring, I quickly apologized in case I had mussed his perfectly brushed coat, but his handler was more than gracious about it. She laughed and said it was nothing compared to the terror she felt when she spied a little girl eyeing her dog earlier in the day—with a chocolate ice cream cone dripping down her hand!


For a complete information on the Samoyed including its fascinating history and other facets of the breed, go to the Samoyed Club of America by clicking: 

Want to showcase your love of the Samoyed? Click HERE to shop our Samoyed Collection!

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