Breed Bio: English Bulldog

The Flat Nose. The Wrinkles. The adorable jowls. The seemingly endless, endless string of drool hanging from said jowls.  These are all things you think of when you hear the name English Bulldog.

Believed to be descendent of the Mastiff family of dog breeds, the English Bulldog can be traced back to 13th Century England, where they were originally bred to be used in the brutal and barbaric sport of Bull Baiting. England outlawed Bull Baiting in 1835, at which time the breed faced extinction.

Wanting the Bulldog legacy to live on, a group of passionate breeders began transforming the breed. This process included refining the physical features to make the English Bulldog more aesthetically pleasing, as well as tamping down the ferocity and aggressive nature of the breed.

The result of this transformation was the Sweet, Gentle, Loyal and Lovable English Bulldog we all know and love today.

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