Book Review: The Story of Rose by Jon Katz

I just finished reading this as an enhanced e-book, and I have to say I loved the format. Not only were the pictures vibrant with lots of depth (Katz is also an avid photographer), but the videos added a nice touch that really put you in the heart of the story's setting.

The Story of Rose is a beautiful account of Katz's personal journey from the big city to upstate New York where he bought a farm and spent several years of self-examination and learning not only about farm life, but even more about himself. From the very beginning, the workaholic Rose, an intense, intelligent, sensitive Border Collie, was ever by his side. Not only did Rose save Katz's life on more than one occasion (Katz had a lot to learn about the farm, including the rule that you never turn your back on an irritable ram), but just like she rounded up the sheep, she helped Katz to corrale his scattered soul as he tried to make sense of his life and where it was headed. At the risk of sounding cliche, she helped him to find himself once again.

If you have ever felt the kinship of an animal, especially a dog, or if you have ever felt like you were adrift on the sea of life and looking for a more peaceful harbor, this book will speak to you. Katz writes in an honest, straightforward manner as if he's sharing with you across the kitchen table on a warm, sunny morning. This book has given me cause to look forward to reading his other works - there are about 20 more to take in.

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