Book Review: Cold Noses at the Pearly Gates by Gary Kurz

From the back cover: After the intense, unexpected grief he experienced following the loss of his own companions, animal lover and biblical scholar Gary Kurz set out to prove that there are indeed pets in Heaven. He now shares his inspiring insights to bring you a richer understanding of animals and their souls. You’ll finally find answers to common questions about animals and the afterlife—and you’ll also get a 30-day devotional to help you work through your grief.

My take: For anyone who has lost a beloved pet, the question has been asked, “what happens to my dog or cat after they die?” If you’ve ever looked deeply into the eyes of your pet, you’ve probably felt the presence of a living soul staring back at you.

What I really liked about this book is the methodical approach that Rev. Gary Kurz used to approach this somewhat controversial topic. You never get the feeling that he’s telling you just what you want to hear in order to console. By using scripture, theological studies, and admittedly some speculation, Kurz presents a convincing argument that when we cross that Rainbow Bridge, we just may see those pets who have crossed on before us. An intriguing read for any animal lover and a good gift to anyone who has lost a beloved pet.

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